Sperry Rand skrivmaskin som är fortsättningen på Remingtons Streamliner, här i ett utförande med plasthölje, förmodligen tillverkad på 70-talet. Detta är en rätt snygg maskin med härliga former som kanske inte passar sig så bra om man tänker skriva en roman. Men till lite skrivande då och då funkar den bra.

Sperry Rand textprov

Tillverkningsår: Förmodligen 70-tal

Mått med väska: B30 cm, H13 cm, D33 cm, Vikt: 5kg

Sperry Rand


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  1. Nice machine. Are ribbons commonly available for this model? If so, what PELIKAN ribbon number would this take? Thanks

    1. My memory of this machine is not 100% but I am pretty sure that Pelikan spole 8 number 520833 will fit.

      1. Thanks for the reply. Anyway to double-check on that one (that Pelikan 520833 will work). The spool holes for the Remingtons Streamliner seem to need 3/4 inch width clearance, and it’s not obvious in the photo of Pelikan 520833 that it will accommodate that. If you have a way to check that I’d appreciate it.

        1. I am honestly not sure, I usually just rewind a ribbon on the old spools if they don’t fit. However, if you need spools with a wider center hole I would suggest the Olivetti Twin Spool from Pelikan number 571976 since Olivetti used wider center holes.

          1. 571976 holes are maybe a quarter of an inch wide. The streamliner is 3 times that for whatever spools it takes. (I have the 571976 on hand, so was the first thing I reached for.)

          2. Ok, then I am out of ideas unless you can hunt down some original spools and roll up a new ribbon unto them. Sorry.

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